christ follower, wife, mother 

shai moore

Join me on YouTube as we study the entire book  of Colossians - verse by verse.

Study the Bible with me

I’m Shai and I’m a product of the Bible Belt  - The Lord saved me at a young age but most of my childhood I wrestled with my faith.

Hey there!

The truth was that I was numb – numb to the Holy Spirit and bored with Christianity. In my mind, I knew it shouldn’t be this way.

Often I would think, “Okay, the disciples were so zealous and changed by the Gospel that they were willing to die. Isn’t the same Holy Spirit living in me? If that’s the case, why am I so bored with God?” I convinced myself, this is just how it was for Christians in the 20th century – that the only time we could experience the presence of God was at church camp one week out of the year.

For years I believed that I was the only one struggling with this idea, so I kept it to myself. Instead, I tried to manipulate certain experiences, so that I could “feel” the Holy Spirit.

Looking back, I can see many misconceptions around my thinking. They stemmed from bad theology and a lack of knowing God’s Word.

I believed only certain Christians got to experience God in a personal way, and that the rest of us were just supposed to pull up our bootstraps and live moral lives until Jesus came back.

I can remember feeling the disconnect in what I said I believed, and what I actually thought or felt about what I believed.

My Story
My Mission

But God continued to pursue me. He was working in my life in many ways that I was unaware of. When I got into my thirties my husband and I began reading God’s Word. And it changed my life.

I realized I had only been taking what others told me the Bible said, I had never read it for myself. Familiar stories were now making sense and changing my heart. It was true that God’s Word is living and active, just like it says! moral lives until Jesus came back.

After talking with many other women over the last few years, it became clear that I was not alone. There were other Christian women, who just like me, were tired of the fluffy shallow teaching. They were wanting to know God more through His Word but had no idea where to start!

I am fully convinced that Biblical literacy is for everyone – not just preachers, or seminary students, or “mature” Christians. But for everyone.

But God...

It was a terrible way to live.

God is faithful. He, who began a good work in you will bring it to completion. This is not a sprint, but a marathon. Perservere, my friend.

God's Word does not return void.

Remember, I didn't start reading the Bible for myself until I was in my thirties. There's no such thing as "too late" when it comes to studying God's Word. It is living and active, sharper than any two edged sword.

It's not too late to start.


It is living and active. You can read God’s Word. It can change you. The Gospel is real. You don’t have to live in the boring mundane religious cycle. You can have a passion for Jesus and love others and grow in holiness! God is present with you always, not just at church camp.

He has the words of life , where else would you go?

God's Word is accessible to you.


Whether you were raised in church or you attended every once in awhile because it was “the right thing to do” I have great news for you.


These are the exact steps I use to teach my boys. This "rinse and repeat" method can be used in any area of the Bible.

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