If you're feeling embarrassed or ashamed because you don't know how to read God's Word, I am here to tell you the truth. You can't know what you've never been taught. So I want you to know something, it's not your fault.
Take it from me. I was raised in church right smack dab in the middle of the Bible Belt and I only learned how to read God's Word for myself a few years ago. It wasn't until I started reading the Bible for myself that I became confident in my own relationship with the Lord - my faith became my own.
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I’m a product of Bible Belt Christianity – The Lord saved me at a young age but most of my childhood I wrestled with my faith. I knew what everyone else believed, but I had doubts about my own faith and had no idea how to read the Bible to figure it out for myself.
That's why I am passionate about teaching Christian women how to read and apply God's word so they can lead the life they've been called to in Christ and influence those around them.
Colossians Small Group Bible Study Guide
YouTube Channel
FREE Guide to Memorize the entire book of Jude
FREE E-Book: Bible Reading Guide
- Desirae
“ I never felt like I understood it and never felt comfortable asking. It didn't take long before I knew Shai was the person to ask. She was so kind and never once acted like my questions were stupid. She has guided me in so many ways to learn the Bible, understand the Bible, and actually want to read the Bible."
- Paige
Her heart to see people live a real and true life with Jesus is beautiful and tireless. She has a razor sharp focus and determination to anything she chooses to do, and her tools for diving deeper into the Bible are truly researched, prayed over, and desperately needed."