This week I will dive into a question that’s been on my heart: not just whether we believe in God, but whether we actually believe God and take Him at His Word.
This idea surfaced at a recent women’s worship night at my church, where a friend highlighted Isaiah 43:10.
The scripture says, “You are my witnesses… that you may know and believe me.” That phrase struck me. We’d all quickly say, “Yes, I believe in God.” But do we really believe Him? Are we confident in what He says, in His character, in His promises?
This question had me thinking back to a series I did on the podcast a few weeks ago, covering topics like prosperity gospel, the holiness of God, and how easily we slip into sin and idolatry.
I feel like really understanding God’s holiness is essential to trusting Him completely. In Isaiah 43, God reminds His people who He is—and who they are because of Him. If we don’t see life through that lens, things get skewed.
That led me to think about Abraham’s life. The whole “take matters into your own hands” approach he had—like having a son with Hagar because he doubted God’s promise.
And those decisions had serious consequences, which made me ask, Is it a sin to not trust God? I haven’t landed on an answer, but I see how disbelief almost always leads me into sin in my own life.
Honestly, it’s convicting. I say I trust God, but if I’m not spending time in His Word, how much am I actually trusting Him?
And do I trust what He says about things that directly affect my life—my choices, finances, time, and relationships? Or am I relying on my own understanding?
If I really believed God’s words about sin, would I keep choosing gossip or self-indulgence? It made me realize that my actions might say more about my trust in God than my words do.
The beautiful part, though, is how the Holy Spirit works in us. Conviction isn’t about shame; it’s about turning away from our sin and back towards God.
That’s the gift of grace. Every time I’m aware of my sin, I can bring them to God, knowing that Jesus has already paid for them and that He’s making me more like Him.
And I want that. I want to truly believe God—to believe what He says about Himself, about sin, and about my life.
So here’s my challenge for you (and for me): let’s take an honest inventory. Where are we not fully trusting God? It’s not easy, but it’s freeing to see those places and hand them over to Him.
I dive deeper into this topic in my latest podcast episode on Walking in Exile and on my YouTube channel, where we unpack what it really looks like to cultivate a life with God that’s built on grace, not legalism.
Be sure to check it out if you’re ready to release the pressure of traditional quiet times and explore a deeper, more joyful walk with Jesus.
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Most days of the week, you’ll find me homeschooling my boys around our dinner table (or planning curriculum around my coffee table) with some sort of candles or essential oils going in the background.