Hey y’all, Happy December!
I want to talk about something that may or may not be familiar to you this season: Advent.
Whether you’re familiar with the tradition or just curious, let’s dive into what Advent is, why it’s significant, and how it can shape our hearts during this busy time of year.
Advent, from the Latin word meaning arrival, is a time to reflect on the coming of Jesus—both His first arrival as a baby in Bethlehem and His promised return as a victorious King.
But in our culture of instant gratification, it’s easy to lose the awe and wonder of this incredible story.
This season, I’m stepping back to refocus. For my family, that looks like intentionally giving something up as a small act of sacrifice. It’s not about a checklist or discipline for its own sake—it’s about redirecting our hearts and minds to Jesus, remembering that He alone satisfies.
Here’s the beauty of Advent: it’s a reminder that God didn’t just demand a sacrifice for sin—He became the sacrifice. He left the perfection of heaven, took on flesh, and lived among us to reconcile us to Himself. That reality should stop us in our tracks.
If you’re looking to go deeper this Advent season, I’d love to help. I’ve created a digital Advent study to guide you through the story of Jesus from Genesis to the New Testament, helping you rediscover the weight of God’s plan for redemption.
You can grab the study here, or join us in my Patreon community where we’re walking through Advent together this month.
Let’s pause, reflect, and prepare our hearts—not just for Christmas but for the second Advent when Christ returns in glory.
Merry Christmas, friends. Let’s embrace the wonder of the season together!
Want to hear the entire discussion? Make sure to tune into my YouTube channel and tune in to the Walking in Exile podcast for encouragement this Advent season!
You can grab my Advent Study below:
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Most days of the week, you’ll find me homeschooling my boys around our dinner table (or planning curriculum around my coffee table) with some sort of candles or essential oils going in the background.