Have you ever wanted to study through a book of the Bible, but you had no idea where to start?
Join me as we go through the entire book of Colossians together – verse by verse.
You can check out my first episode on my YouTube channel by clicking here or you can search “Walking in Exile” wherever you listen to your podcasts.
In my first episode, I explain why I chose Colossians and what you can expect from listening. But if you’re the reading type, I’ll explain briefly here.
Last month, a few of my friends and I hosted a Bible Study at a local coffee shop. We reserved it for three hours on a Friday night.
No music, no food. Just Bibles and a pen.
And 23 women showed up.
It was such a sweet picture of the Bride of Christ meeting to read and discuss Scripture! After sharing on social media, I received dozens of messages and comments saying something along the lines of, “I wish I lived closer.”
This reminded me of something I realized a few years back. Women are hungry for God’s Word.
We are tired of fluffy Ted Talks and empty “encouragement.” We want MEAT!
So I decided to bring Colossians to YOU!
Over the next few weeks we will dive into Colossians – verse by verse. In 3 hours inside a coffee shop, we had to blaze through all 4 chapters pretty broadly. But in these episodes, I am going to study slowly through every single verse.
If God’s Word is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, we’ve got nothing but time to dive into its depths.
So if you’re not afraid of slow study or you’ve been wanting to see Bible Study modeled for you so that you can be equipped to go study for yourself, join me over the next several months.
God’s Word does not return void, my friend.
Let’s grow in our knowledge of the Word. Together.
See y’all around,
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Most days of the week, you’ll find me homeschooling my boys around our dinner table (or planning curriculum around my coffee table) with some sort of candles or essential oils going in the background.