December 20, 2023
Shai Moore
Growing up in the Bible Belt I was always in church. Saved at a young age, I can remember learning all of the Bible stories in Sunday School. As I got older, I learned what was expected of me – what to say, how to dress, what NOT to do, etc. While this worked for awhile, I eventually realized that this idea of Christianity wasn’t going to sustain me.
Hey, really quick. If you’re ready to start reading your Bible today, then I have a free gift for you. Thousands of women have already taken advantage of this free resource to help them get started reading their Bible.
I remember early in my marriage when my husband would ask me questions about my faith and the only response I could give him was, “It’s in the Bible.” My face would flush with embarrassment and when he asked me to show him where, I would become angry.
It was in those early years of marriage and motherhood that I quickly realized I didn’t actually know how to talk about my faith because I didn’t know what I believed.
It’s a sobering feeling to realize that your faith actually isn’t yours, but instead that you’ve been living through the faith of your parents.
On the surface, I knew all the right answers but the truth was I was an adult Christian, still on milk.
I knew I needed to read the Bible, but I had no idea where to start.
So, I began reading all the books ABOUT the Bible and listening to preachers but I had no way of feeding myself. I was relying on others and it was overwhelming, and if I am being completely honest – scary.
Just a few years ago, my husband and I finally got on the same page. We acknowledged how little we understood God’s word for ourselves and knew it was time to start reading the Bible and leaving no questions off the table.
Over the last couple of years, the Lord has been pruning us and growing us in our walk with Him – based on His word and the work of the Holy Spirit, not someone else’s faith.
Now I am able to say without a doubt that I know how to read the Bible and go find answers to any questions I have. I can study with confidence – no longer relying solely on others to tell me what I believe.
I hope if you’re reading this, and you can relate to anything from my story, you feel comfort in knowing you’re not alone.
If you have heard the same advice over and over that is similar to, “Just read your Bible,” and you’re feeling discouraged, don’t worry!
There is good news!
It doesn’t have to be this way. You don’t have to continue in your walk with Christ just relying on others and knowing the bare minimum.
You can get off milk and be a woman who knows God’s word for herself.
So how do we read the Bible for ourselves when we don’t know where to start?
I’m glad you asked.
Before we dive in, we need to remember one important point when we approach our Bible Reading. (To see 3 ways how NOT to read the Bible, click here.)
God’s Word was given to us by God, so that we can know God. The Bible is first and foremost about Him. If we approach it with any other perspective in mind, we will eventually, if not immediately, get it wrong.
So keeping that in mind, let’s dive in.
Note: This post may contain affiliate links. At no cost to you, I may make a small commission on anything you purchase through my link. But don’t worry, I never promote products that I don’t believe in or truly love. This just allows me to continue publishing quality content regularly.
These 5 steps are very basic. (To see how I go deeper into studying the Bible for yourself, click here.)
It sounds simple or unrelated, but we must have the Holy Spirit reveal God’s Word to us. So before you open your Bible, pray asking the Holy Spirit to help you understand what you’re reading and ask Him to let the Word transform your heart and mind to be like Christ. (Because that is the point! 🙂 )
It doesn’t matter what book, just pick one and commit to reading it from beginning to end. My recommendation is to choose either the Gospel of John from the New Testament or a short letter in the New Testament – Colossians, Galatians, Ephesians, 1 John are all great!
I know I have the tendency to want to rush things and sometimes I get caught up in reading quickly simply so I can mark Bible reading off my list. FIGHT against this idea. Read slowly. This is not a race. God’s Word is meant to transform us as we learn about Him. So whether it is a chapter a day or 5 verses a day, read slowly.
I don’t know if you’re the journaling type, but one of the best ways to retain information is to summarize it. Writing down in your own words what you just read will help with your understanding and remembering! This is also a good time to write down any questions you have about what you read.
One of the worst habits I ever had when reading the Bible for myself was just closing it when I was finished and getting started on my to do list for the day. After you read, be disciplined to sit and think about what you read. Pray on it. If you felt conviction, ask the Lord for forgiveness and repent. If you read about God’s character and goodness, thank Him for it. I try to set my timer for 5 minutes and sit in silence. This is a hard but good rhythm for us.
This isn’t a one size fits all approach. These are just 5 things that I wish someone would have told me about reading the Bible when I was first started.
If we are going to be women of God, who look more like Christ, we MUST know what Scripture says. As Romans 12:2 says, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
Let us be women who are transformed and changed by Christ – not just by lip service but from our hearts and minds, being living sacrifices for our King.
In conclusion, establishing a meaningful rhythm for reading the Bible involves a few simple steps. First and foremost, prayer is essential, seeking the Holy Spirit’s guidance to illuminate the Word. Choose a book to read, focusing on understanding rather than speed. Reading slowly allows the Word to seep into our hearts and minds, promoting genuine transformation. Summarizing what’s read helps comprehension and retention, while reflecting and meditating on the Scriptures ensures deeper application. This intentional process leads to a richer understanding of God’s Word, fostering spiritual growth and resulting in our affections being stirred for Christ.
See y’all around,
This guide will help you take your Bible reading to the next level. You can print it out and keep it in your Bible to use every day!
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Most days of the week, you’ll find me homeschooling my boys around our dinner table (or planning curriculum around my coffee table) with some sort of candles or essential oils going in the background.
[…] I share my 5 simple steps to start reading the Bible in this blog post. […]